At the heart of every ITIHAAS learning module lies not just a lesson in heritage, but an experience in learning. Bringing to life years of wisdom and knowledge by weaving experiences that not only tell stories but also enable students.
spaces add rich and palpable exposure to concepts.
that enable the learner to truly connect with what they read.
from people.
diversity through varied experiences.
Balance, reflection, enquiry, observation of facts and active experimentation with and without customized workbooks. Adapting to multiple learning styles. Interactive group work helps nurture the spirit of teamwork. Customised ILM’s to fit the learner’s needs.
Experts who have spent years researching heritage spaces and are trained to handle large numbers. Meticulously planned ILM’s that adhere to school timings. Collaborations with national and international organisations to ensure access to exclusive spaces. Research that goes to the roots and is verified by the Archaeological Survey of India and other National level organisations.